I, Me, Myself

My photo
Kochi, Kerala, India
Colourful in everything... love to be in love with everything in nature... now working in the creation of a better world.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

After Valentine's Day....What happens?

It becomes a our custom to celebrate Valentine's Day with much love and glory....
Actually what happens after the day... we forget to know about love and passion....
We dance, booze and celebrate the day... What happens after that?
We take love too lightly... It is a feeling that one gets from others that he/she is with for a lifetime...
To love, to be in love and be the loved one is a blessing....
Lets celebrate Valentine's Day everyday with our dear ones....
We live life only once... Let us live it with love....

Rare Photos

Rare Photos
Nehru and Gandhi at AICC meeting, July 1946

National Disaster

National Disaster
People gathering on hearing Gandhi death news

India-Pak Partition

India-Pak Partition
Train to Pakistan on partition

Knowledge Partition

Knowledge Partition
Partition of National Library during Indo-Pak partition